Good News to Listen To

Good News to Listen To


You will enjoy listening to songs, bible stories, and individual books of the bible recorded by Carrier speakers in Central and Southern Carrier dialects.The Old Testament story of Noah is included and there are bible stories from the New Testament also.

Bible Studies you can listen to are in both English and Southern Carrier. They begin with studies based on the book of Genesis. They will continue on and be based on other Old Testament books and will continue into the New Testament in time.

Central Carrier
(Stuart Lake)
Southern Carrier
(Anahim Lake)
Songs (Sizi Gri Ooyun)

  1. Yak’usda Ye Unzoo-i
  2. Sizi Gri ‘En Unzoo
  3. John 3:16
  4. Sizi Gri Khuna
  5. O Sizi ‘En Nats’ilhti
  6. Yak’usda Tube Dinti’
  7. Sizi Gri ‘En Za NeMoodihti Unli
  8. Sizi Gri Ook’une’ Tist’en
  9. Sizi Sk’entsi’
  10. Sizi Gri Duzkai’ Be
  11. Sizi Gri Tube Nk’ets’intsi’
  12. Sizi Gri Nek’entsi’
  13. Sizi Tube Nek’entsi’
  14. Yak’usda ‘En Unzoo
  15. Nts’oh Dahooja Hoonts’i
  16. Sizi Gri ‘En Neghundli-un
  17. Yak’usda Soo Cho Neghindli
  18. ‘Ulhdzis Whudizti’
  19. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
  20. Victory in Jesus
  21. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
  22. Sizi Gri ‘En Unzoo
Songs (Sizi Gri Buyun)

  1. Yak’usda Ye Unzoo
  2. Sizi Gri ‘en Unzoo
  3. John 3:16
  4. Sizi Gri Khuna
  5. O Sizi ‘en Nats’ilhti
  6. Yak’usda Tube Denti
  7. Sizi Gri ‘En Zeh NeMoodihti Unli
  8. Sizi Gri Buk’une’ Test’en
  9. Sizi Suk’entsi’
  10. Sizi Gri Buzkai Be
  11. Sizi Gri Tube Nk’ets’intsi’
  12. Sizi Gri Nek’entsi’
  13. Sizi Tube Nek’entsi’
  14. Yak’usda ‘en Unzoo
  15. Nts’oh Dahooja Whunts’i
  16. Sizi Gri ‘en Neghundli
  17. Yak’usda Soo Cho Neghindli
  18. ‘Ulh’ek T’ehwhudusnih
  19. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
  20. Victory in Jesus
  21. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
  22. Sizi Gri ‘en Unzoo
The Book of John (Original)

The Book of John

The Book of John (Updated 2019)

The Book of Romans

The Book of Acts

Bible Stories

God’s Word Gives New Life

Bible Stories

Bible Studies

Carrier Bible Studies
Gospel of John

  1. Lesson 1, PDF
  2. Lesson 2, PDF
  3. Lesson 3, PDF
  4. Lesson 4, PDF
  5. Lesson 5
  6. Lesson 6
  7. Lesson 7
  8. Lesson 8

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